83歲開始辦展,93歲登上熒幕,97歲出道當模特,100歲了依舊在推出自己的聯名設計... 永遠支楞,永遠誇張,永遠特立獨行。
她就是“全球最時尚奶奶”——艾瑞斯·阿普菲爾(Iris Apfel)。
2014 年,Albert Maysles執導拍攝了一部關於她 的紀錄片《時尚女王:Iris的華麗傳奇》,講述了Iris的人生經歷以及和Carl的浪漫愛情,這部紀錄片還獲得了艾美獎的提名。
Iris Apfel生於1921年,2023年8月份,度過自己102歲的生日。別看她已經到了三位數的年齡,老太太依然戴著黑框眼鏡,塗著紅指甲,保持著優雅迷人範兒。
不僅僅是在生日宴,老太太平時就是這副“老來俏”的打扮。這幾年大熱的極簡風啊,溫柔的莫蘭迪色啊,在Iris看來都太無趣了!她的人生哲學就是“More is more, less is bore”,總之怎麼誇張怎麼來,怎麼大膽怎麼搞!
Growing up in Queens, New York, Iris Apfel was an only child, so her parents often brought her to family events where she was the only kid. Many of those were at her paternal grandparents’ home in Brooklyn, New York. To entertain Apfel, her grandmother let her play with fabric scraps, which she had in large quantities because her four daughters often sewed for charity.
Iris Apfel在紐約皇后區長大,是獨生女,所以她的父母經常帶她參加家庭活動,尤其是常去位於布魯克林的祖父母家,在那裡她是唯一的小孩。為了逗Apfel開心,她的祖母會讓她玩碎布片,因為祖母的四個女兒經常為慈善事業縫紉,所以它家裡有大量碎布片。
After each visit, if Apfel had behaved, her grandmother allowed her to take home six scraps. “Obsessed with texture, color, and pattern, I spent whole evenings entertaining myself this way,” writes Apfel. “Looking back, it’s very clear playing this way honed by eye and gave me a very deep interest in fabric.”
每次拜訪後,如果Apfel表現得很好,她的祖母就會讓她帶六塊碎布片回家。“我沉迷於質地、顏色和圖案,整個晚上都以這種方式自娛自樂,”Apfel 寫道。“回想起來,很明顯,這種訓練眼睛的觀賞方式讓我對面料產生了非常濃厚的興趣。”
長大後,Iris夢想成真,她和丈夫共同創造了織物公司Old World Weavers,曾為9位美國總統服務,提供室內設計的意見,是當之無愧的“織物女王”了。
Early in her career, Apfel and her late husband Carl owned and operated a textile business, Old World Weavers, which took her all over the world in search of intriguing, artisanal fabrics. She also worked on interior and restoration design projects for nine U.S. presidents at the White House.
在Apfel職業生涯的早期,她和已故的丈夫Carl擁有並經營著一家名為Old World Weavers的紡織企業,這讓她走遍世界各地尋找有趣的手工面料。她還在白宮為九位美國總統從事過室內和修復設計專案。
巴洛克風格的雕飾,從全世界各地淘來的獨特裝飾品,間或點綴著一些現代性的元素... 在這樣的家裡,誰都會流連忘返吧!
1947年,兩人相識,並迅速墜入愛河,決定相伴餘生。婚後不久,創辦了Old World Weavers公司,事業蒸蒸日上。他們決定丁克,從而可以更好地擁有彼此。也因為他們每年都要外出旅行,蒐羅全世界新奇古怪的好東西,可能沒有那麼多的時間陪伴小孩成長。
Iris met Carl Apfel while staying at a resort on Lake George in upstate New York, according to an interview with The Guardian. Carl and Iris were immediately attracted to one another. “There was something about her that just got into me,” Carl says in the documentary. “It’s always there.” Sitting beside him on the couch, Iris gives him a pat on the hand and says, “Awe, my little pussycat … And I figured he was cool and he was was cuddly, and he cooked Chinese, so I couldn’t do any better.”
根據《衛報》的採訪,Iris在紐約州北部喬治湖的一個度假村裡遇到了Carl Apfel。Carl和Iris立即被彼此吸引, “她身上有一些東西讓我著迷,”Carl在紀錄片中說。“它一直都在。” 並排坐在沙發上,Iris拍了拍Carl的手說道:“哎呀,我的小貓咪… 我覺得他很酷,很可愛,他做的中國菜很好吃,我找不到比他更棒的人了 。”
儘管已將相伴了幾十年,日常也是像一對年輕情侶。相伴出席活動,做最酷的CP,Ins上大方秀恩愛,找畫家作畫記錄甜蜜瞬間... 真的是羨煞旁人。
Despite having lost her husband, Iris’ love for fashion is undimmed. “I always like to do things as if I’m playing jazz; try this, try that,” Iris said. “With me, it’s not intellectual. It’s all gut … It’s totally, totally the involvement and the process. People interview me and they keep asking if I have any rules. And I say, I don’t have any rules because I would only be breaking them.”
儘管失去了丈夫,Iris對時尚的熱愛依然沒有減弱。“我總是喜歡像演奏爵士樂一樣做事;試試這個,試試那個,”Iris說。“對我來說,這不是照本宣科,而是都依靠直覺... 這完全是參與和過程。人們採訪我,一直問我是否有任何規則。我說,我沒有任何規則,因為我只會破壞它們。”
雖然時尚理念很大膽,但Iris一直算是“默默無聞”。直到一次意外的機會,原本要在大都會博物館舉辦的展覽遇上了變故,於是策展人就想到了Iris,邀請她臨時救場辦一場展覽,沒想到這場叫做《Rara Avis: Selections from the Iris Apfel Collection》的展覽大獲成功,這個又時髦又大膽的老太太一下子吸引了大眾的視線。
At 83-years-old, Iris was well into her retirement from the interior design industry when Harold Koda, the curator of the Mets Costume Institute, contacted her in hopes of showcasing her unique fashion sense in an exhibit. The museums previously-scheduled show had cancelled unexpectedly and Koda and his team were left scrambling to put on a show with a compelling story that was easy to set up before opening day.
當大都會服裝學院的策展人Harold Koda與她聯絡,希望在展覽中展示她獨特的時尚品味時,83歲的Iris正從室內設計行業退休。博物館之前安排的展覽意外取消,Koda和他的團隊不得不在開幕前緊急舉辦一場具有引人入勝的故事的展覽。
Apfel agreed. In Rara Avis: Selections from the Iris Apfel Collection, the museum highlighted everything from her iconic oversized tortoise shell glasses to her whimsical patterned coats and colorful, chunky costume jewelry. “Iris is an artist. What she uses all her clothing and accessories to do is compose a new vision,” said Koda in Iris. “That, for me, is creativity.”
Apfel同意了。在這場展覽中,博物館突出展示了從她標誌性的超大玳瑁眼鏡,到印有異想天開的圖案外套,和色彩繽紛的沉重首飾的一切。 “Iris是一位藝術家。她用她所有的衣服和配飾所做的組成了一個新的角度,”Koda 說, “對我來說,這就是創造力。”
“If you want to stay young, you have to think young. Having a sense of wonder, a sense of humor, and a sense of curiosity — these are my tonic,” she says. “They keep you young, childlike, open to new people and things, ready for another adventure. I never want to be an old fuddy-duddy; I hold the self-proclaimed record for being the World’s Oldest Living Teenager and I intend to keep it that way.”